ITM Announces New Board Directors at AGM

The Institute of Travel Management (ITM) has announced the appointment of four new Board Directors today at the association’s Annual General Meeting.
The board of directors plays an important governance role, overseeing the organisation's strategic direction, financial health, ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards, as well as safeguarding ITM’s purpose, mission, and values.
All four appointments are Buyer Board Members, namely Danny Cockton - VP Global Travel Services at Wood PLC; Sue Jones – Global Meeting and Travel Manager, INGKA Group (IKEA); Wayne Lappage – Senior Global Commodity Manager Travel and Expense at Yunex Traffic; and Nicholas Nelson – Global Lodgings and EMEIA Developed Markets Travel, M&E Leader at EY.
Both Danny Cockton and Sue Jones previously held the role of ITM Associate.
These appointments have been made following a thorough application and interview process.
Standing down from the Board are Imogen Furness, Global Travel Manager at WTW and Martin Ferguson, VP Global Communications, Public Affairs & Events at American Express Global Business Travel, whose term in office has come to an end.
Nikki Parsons, Chair, ITM Board of Directors, and Global Director of Travel, Arcadis, said: “I am delighted to welcome Danny, Sue, Nicholas and Wayne to the ITM Board. The Board and I look forward to working with them as we make progress our strategic objectives and continue providing the exceptional support to our members that ITM is renowned for.
On behalf of the Board and the Secretariat, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Imogen Furness and Martin Ferguson for their dedication, support and commitment to the ITM Board over the last three years.”
Richard Tams, Board Director and Chair of the Governance & Nominations Committee added: “We are grateful to all those who applied. This was a highly-competitive and robust recruitment process, our four new Board Directors are to be congratulated on their appointments.”